Friday, August 8, 2014

The Darwin Awards: Proving Charles Right Since 1985

It was either Harlan Ellison or Frank Zappa that said, “The two most abundant things in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.” The latter couldn’t be closer to the truth. Everyday around water coolers, digging ditches with pals, or having drinks with the buddies, somebody has a story about someone doing something stupid. In certain circles we call these less-than-subpar intelligence life-forms pariahs and outcasts…
In other circles…
Well, they’re sort of…ya know…celebrated…
That’s right. Every year since around 1985 the dumbest of the dumb have been forever immortalized. At first the list circulated via word of mouth, but then in 1993 the list hit the Internet, and by 2000 books were in print, and morons were mainstream.
Nowadays we can get most of our fill of the flippantly foolish and foppish from videos via YouTube. (Say that ten times fast…) But for some, well, there’s That’ll give you the most comprehensive list of the dumbest, dopiest, dolts that have ever attempted to do something going against the very laws of intelligence itself, and were immediately witch-slapped in the face by the good ol’ backhand of karma for it.
Today at TI&IT we’re going to delve into the world of the mentally deficient and the half-baked. All of these examples can be found at the website mentioned above, and if you’d like to purchase some of the print versions of “The Darwin Awards” by Wendy Northcutt I will include a link at the end of the article. Without her delightful investigative reporting of the idiotic we wouldn’t have these wonderfully witless antics to tickle your whimsy today.
Before we get into the brain cell deficient however, let’s give you all a little background on The Darwin Awards for those of you unfamiliar. Trust me; there is no shortage of nominees either.

The Origin of Stupidity

I agree Yoda. And so do the rules of being a nominee for the Darwin Awards. See…now this may sound a touch insensitive, but there is only one of two ways for someone to be bestowed this honor. The nominee had to have done something monumentally stupid and died, or they had to have done something that caused them to become sterile. Either way, they have to remove themselves from the gene pool somehow.
Now that may seem a bit harsh but there isn’t exactly a rarity of rash simpletons amongst the throngs of the human race. In fact, with the advent of Social Media it seems stupidity is growing at an even faster and much more alarming rate. But how exactly did the Darwin Awards get kicked off?
The Darwin Awards first began on the Internet of course…well, not exactly the Internet. More like the Internet’s second closest ancestor. Usenet. Don’t know what that is? Not a big deal, it’s the topic of our next section.

AOL Killed the Bulletin Board Star

The history of unnatural selection seems to date back to the 1980s and an early version of the Internet called “Usenet”. Usenet, like the Arpanet, was a precursor to the Internet we use today. It was somewhere between a hybrid of email and an internet web forum, loosely resembling a bulletin board, hence the term “Bulletin Board System”. Yet aside from being drastically different than Arpanet (Which was the original Internet developed by the military), their limitations, and a radical wan in popularity; like the ardor of a Twilight girl’s fandom they refuse to die.
Take “Mono” as it’s known affectionately by its users worldwide for instance. will take you to a BBS that’s not only still up and running, but is still actively contributed to with 5,000+ threads going up monthly. BBS’s could be navigated with the use of a keyboard only, which was good, considering the computer mouse wasn’t a widely used accessory when BBSs were first introduced.
It was an easy way for the general populace to upload and share valuable information anywhere in the world with ease. That’s what made it a natural forum for the unnaturally yet delightfully dimwitted antics of Darwin-ites the whole world over. When people began their jolly journalism of criminal folly they started by uploading to Usenet in the 80s. The response? Worldwide reception of an elated nature. Everyone wanted more, so it made sense that when the World Wide Web (your [WWW] prefix in the URL) went live in the mid-90s, the Darwin Awards found themselves a proper home on a proper server.
 While Bulletin Board Systems have found themselves outdated and outnumbered by the onslaught of online forums, the Darwin Awards have found themselves an unrivaled acclaim amongst the masses. It’s no wonder. The dumber someone else is the smarter it makes us feel. That’s psychology 101 folks. But how do we know that these people really existed? Let alone could possibly be so stupid!?
Wendy faced that same problem as well. How did she deal with it you ask?
Well…that’s why we call it “journalism”.

Submission, Confirmation, and Reward

Since Wendy’s brilliant concept went global she literally receives thousands of Darwin Award candidates in her inbox every day. Naturally, this is difficult to sort through. I’m sure all of the stories are likely hilarious (what I’d give to see her email…) but that brings us to our next segment, verification. How do we know all of these stories are true?
This was headed off in 1985 on a Usenet post describing the awards as being, “given posthumously to people who have made the supreme sacrifice to keep their genes out of our pool. Style counts, not everyone who dies from their own stupidity can win.” Since 1995 every submission that’s made it onto the website and into her various book compilations has been personally verified through local sources and tedious investigative reporting. Some entries however have been “grandfathered” in to protect their titles as they were put up long before she had the means to prove the verity of them. Either way, whatever’s clever I say.
While Wendy probably wasn’t the one who started the Usenet group (I have no way to verify the identity of the original poster on the discussion forum), she did start the website, and she did write the books. That is why I have to give her the credit in this article today. If you visit the website you will see that each article is categorized at the outset by the phrases, “confirmed true by Darwin,” or “Unconfirmed”. Confirmed true by Darwin doesn’t mean Charles popped out of his grave and said, “Yep, met that twit in the afterlife and he’s just as daft as his epitaph states!” It means that Northcutt herself has verified the claims through various means.
By 2000 the first book (pictured above) went into print, and thank the Lord for that, because I’ve never laughed so hard in my life then when I picked up my first copy. It’s a good thing it took off too, because Wendy gave up a lucrative career in Neurobiology doing research on Cancer and telomerase. (Telomerase are the enzymes responsible for cell aging, a potential “fountain of youth” if you will. Currently they’re kind of a big deal…)

Initially she received resistance in getting her works published by companies telling her to remove her works from the Internet first and then they’d talk. She refused, stating that “It’s a community! I could not do that, even though it might have cost me a lot of money, I kept saying no.” Eventually a publisher named “Plume” took up the sword of her silver tongue and agreed to print her works containing 10% of the material found on her website.
Kudos Plume. Good call.
She’s received numerous letters supporting her, almost as many as the letters defaming her. One person is quoted as writing in, “This is horrible. It has shocked our community to the core. You should remove this.” Not a chance. Sorry to say but if your loved one did something stupid enough to make it into a News report, then they will likely be remembered only for that mistake anyway.
There are honorable mentions on the website as well, people that were inordinately stupid but didn’t meet the requirements for the actual award. Some of the people actually survive the stupid, which sometimes can be amazing in and of itself considering the criteria. Speaking of which, let’s talk about the criteria next and finish up today with some of the greatest goofballs who ever “lived”.

Ten Pounds of Dumb in a Five Pound Sack

If YouTube has taught this current generation anything at all it’s that not everyone was blessed with an abundance of smarts. Thankfully for the rest of us it provides morbid and cheap entertainment. I say morbid because in order to be considered for a Darwin Award you have to be, well, dead.
That isn’t the only stipulation. You can sterilize yourself as well. Either way, as long as you can’t reproduce, regardless of why, and your headstone can read as a cautionary tale to others, you may just be eligible. This is the criteria as posted by Wikipedia:

Inability to reproduce

·         The nominee must be dead or rendered sterile. This has been the subject of dispute. Some are off the table because of age, others have already reproduced. Wendy dealt with this issue head-on by issuing what’s called “The Deserted Island Test”. If the nominee would be unable to reproduce with a fertile member of the opposite sex on a deserted island, then the nominee would be eligible, so long as they meet the rest of the criteria.


·         This doesn’t mean what you think it means. Excellence is awarded for outstandingly stupid judgment. The candidates must be unique in their idiocy. Example: Swimming into a lake to retrieve a golf ball and being eaten by an alligator, while unlucky, not eligible. Swimming into a lake to retrieve a golf-ball that’s surrounded everywhere by clearly posted signs in 120 pt. font saying, “Keep Out! Alligators will eat you!” Eligible.


·         You made it happen to yourself. I.E. killing a friend with a shotgun you didn’t know was loaded, dumb, but not eligible for an award. Killing yourself with a shotgun while trying to exterminate an annoying fly buzzing around your kitchen, extremely eligible.


·         Capable of sound judgment. Nominees must be past the legal age of consent and be able to at least drive and must not be mentally infirm. Picking on the handicapped is not only mean, it’s not admissible.  


·         The story must be confirmed, one way or another.

So there you have it, anybody can be dumb, and that’s why rules needed to be put in place, because anybody can be spectacularly stupid, but only the chosen few get to be Darwin Award recipients. Let’s take a look at a few examples of awardees over the last couple of decades.

That’s One Way to Pierce it…

Labeled as an “At-Risk Survivor” by Northcutt’s website, in 2009 an Oklahoma resident concocted a half-cocked plan to (assumptively anyway…) keep thieves off his property without killing anybody. The idea sounds noble enough. The young man was replacing the pellets in his shotgun shells with plumber’s putty, which would create a sort of rubber bullet on the cheap.
Everything was going great, until, like all great ideas, the testing phase. The man, with a pillow for protection, fired a round of his experimental projectile into his abdomen. The first test was successful so he removed the pillow to see what the damage would be without a buffer in between. Needless to say…the damage was…extensive…
The young man is reported as saying, “Something went wrong, but what?”
I’m no expert, but I’m going to have to assume it went wrong when you decided to play human Guinea Pig sir. But Kudos on your award.

“I Believe I Can Fly…Oh Wait…No I Can’t”

It makes no difference which era you were born in, stupidity has abounded since man bounded into a bipedal state. Take Franz Reichelt (pictured above) for instance. No, he wasn’t an early 20th century version of Batman, turns out, that strange little garment he’s wearing, wasn’t just a fashion statement either. It was intended to be a parachute.
Needless to say it didn’t catch on. In 1912, Reichelt, convinced his invention would work, gathered the press together at the base of the Eiffel Tower in France. Getting up on a platform at the top he readied himself for his dummy drop. And a dummy drop it was as the dummy fell from the top of the tower and plummeted respectively to his death.
Good thing Orville and Wilbur didn’t take their early aviation lessons from Franz, eh? This story was confirmed by a personal account in 2003. Congratulations on your award Mr. Reichelt, you certainly earned it.

Low-Speed Pursuit

In 2005, 26-year-old Joseph of Indiana got it in his head he was going to run from the police. His mode of transportation? Why, a moped of course! With the fuzz on his tail and the wind in his hair, ol’ Joe gunned the throttle on his little Yamaha and took off like a bat out of…well…a nursing home… In a blaze of light, he was off!
Or so he would have had he not been on a moped…
After redlining the glorified scooter to a maddening 40 MPH (64 Km/h) he was almost home free…until he sped through an intersection and lost control. This Hell’s Angel on a hummingbird crashed dead-on into a tree killing himself instantly.
Probably should have stuck to Grand Theft Auto video games Joey.

This Lady Takes the Cake

Sometimes the stories you can’t prove tend to be the funniest of all. This one is an at-risk survivor, an unconfirmed story, but the woman is twice disqualified since she has bred post-incident. What did she do you ask? Well, let’s just say, her intelligence, and her pastries, were slightly half-baked.
Coming home from a long shift at work, the unnamed nominee decided to bake some cake for the little ones. Things were going great as she added in the ingredients to the bowl and mixed them with her antique electric beater. The problem with these beaters though is that the cord wasn’t permanently fastened into the base of the mixer, it was detachable.
Whilst mixing, the cord came free and landed smack dab into the batter. She set the mixer aside and decided to go about cleanup the old fashioned way; by licking the batter clean. Sticking the ungrounded electrical cord into her mouth she was quite literally shocked at the stupidity of her mistake shortly thereafter.
While we said she was disqualified, what makes this story worth an honorable mention is the end. Turns out, the woman was a First Aide safety instructor as her profession. Needless to say, she gives quite an electrifying lecture on the dos and don’ts of powered kitchen appliances.

Peeping PedrĂ³ Plummets through Prison per Pornography

Another story confirmed true by Wendy Northcutt, in 1999, in a Mexican prison there was a small interruption to an inmate’s intimate moment. Raul Diaz was a guard well known for taking up the shift on the roof overseeing the correctional facilities inhabitants during conjugal visits. For those of you who don’t know what a conjugal visit is…let’s just say…”private time”.
While privacy isn’t exactly a top tier concern in most penal systems, this private’s penile activity seemed to be under an unnatural amount of scrutiny from Diaz. Diaz however got his when, not paying attention, he tripped over an air vent and came crashing down into the room where “boom boom” time was in full swing.
Outraged the inmate tried to start a failed riot. Local law enforcement recovered a dirty magazine and a pair of binoculars on the hapless corpse of the hard-up with a hard-on. The porn? Retained as evidence. The binoculars? Returned to the family of the deceased as they held “sentimental value”.
I’ll tell you this much…
He certainly put the “mental” in “sentimental”.

So there you have it. I’m sure if you head over to the website and just click on the “Random Story” button you’ll be laughing like an idiot for hours on end. I know I certainly was. Just remember, whenever you think you’re dumb…
…at least you don’t have an award for it.

-       Ryan Sanders

Thanks for reading everyone! Feel free to share the dumb around on Twitter and Facebook! Be sure to head over to the To Infinity and…In Theory Facebook page to give us a like, and follow us on Twitter @ToInf_InTheory. Follow any of the links below for further reading and to pick up a copy of any of Wendy Northcutt’s wonderful works! Happy Learning! And P.S., don’t be a Darwin Award Recipient! Not everyone should strive to be the best!

-       Wiki on Usenet

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