Tuesday, December 10, 2013

7 Great Sci-Fi Shows to Watch...For The Science!!

Those of us who have suffered through a “Syfy Original Movie” are a unique kind of people. You don’t sit down and watch a film like “Sharknado” because you think it’s going to be good, actually you watch it because you know it’s going to be bad. But it’s still Science Fiction. And to a science fiction geek that means something.
But not all Sci-Fi has to be bad. Actually there are quite a few examples of incredible works of science fiction all over. Ever since man could imagine the stars he has written of alien worlds. Ever since the invention of the video camera and moving pictures we have been enthralled with transcribing those words into visible actions. Some of those, like Sharknado, are terrible failures at this transcription, while others, like Dr. Who and his Tardis for instance, boldly capture our imaginations and sense of wonder with fantastic scripting and memorable characters and events.
While we can’t travel through time and alternate dimensions like Tardis, or gather up strange and unique “artifacts” with mystical powers like the agents of Warehouse 13, there are examples of television Sci-Fi that has been grounded in reality. Here are seven shows that blur the lines sometimes between fact and fiction, where we are now, and how far away these dreamt up Orwellian futures are.

1.  The Big Bang Theory

On September 24th, 2007 nobody could have predicted the show that was going to sweep the nation by storm in the coming years. From Chuck Lorre, the man who created Fox TV’s giant hit “Two and a Half Men”, out of left field came “The Big Bang Theory” starring the socially awkward Physicist duo Sheldon Cooper and Leonard Hofstadr, played by the hilarious Johnny Galecki and Jim Parsons. But what made this show unique wasn’t the comedy, it was the science.
Early on its career as a sitcom “The Big Bang Theory” often had a tendency to take mainstream scientific ideas and translate them into a mainstream comedic format. This was digestible to those of us who don’t have 7 years of college and a theoretical physics doctorate under our belts. By blending the science in with humor they developed a program that was not only knee slapping hilarious but educational in its own right.
“The Big Bang Theory” is in its 7th season now and shows no signs of slowing down in its humor, charm, or scientific wit. While it’s not technically Science Fiction it is fiction about science. (See what I did there?) If you haven’t seen the show before I highly recommend it, whether you’re into science or not, it’s just downright funny. “The Big Bang Theory” is on CBS.

2.  Almost Human

“Almost Human” exploded onto Fox this year in 2013 with its delightful cast, quirky characters, and white knuckle action. But what’s absolutely incredible about this show? You guessed it, the science and the technology. Here’s the premise, as supplied by TV.com:

“The year is 2048, and the streets are as mean as ever. Fortunately, the police have a new tool in their arsenal- Synthetics, robots who are tasked with assuring the safety of the humans who created them. But not everyone is pleased with the changes. Detective John Kennex, who has been wounded in action, returns to the force and learns that his new partner is a Synthetic named Dorian. Dorian's programming is much more advanced than that of the normal Synthetic, making him seem almost human, but John still mistrusts the machine at his side. Can they work together as a team?”

Sounds like your cookie cutter Sci-Fi drama right? It’s not the plot that shines in this show. It’s as I said, the technology. Dorian, John’s synthetic android partner, seems to feel, unlike the newer models of androids the cops have come to rely on. He has complex thought processes that simulate human emotions. In a sense, Dorian can feel things, which is the kind of thing we need to accomplish in order to create the Singularity, or in other words, Artificial Intelligence.
It tackles futuristic social issues, like harvesting skin from live human in order to cultivate it and place it on “sex-bots” (we can make fake skin now, and the Japanese really do have highly advanced Sex Bots that are available online – I really wish I was kidding about that). Addicted drugs made from chemotrophic organisms (sounds like what Pfizer’s and Monsanto have been doing…) even extreme advances in the world of prosthesis.
If “FOX” can keep from murdering this piece of Sci-Fi gold like they did with “Firefly” then viewers can be enjoying a dramatic glimpse into the future of mad science for years to come. If not, it’ll be one to buy on Blu-Ray for sure, because this is as close to where technology is leading us as Hollywood can perceive.

3.  Defiance

On a network known for its science fiction, SyFy has a history of making original movies that have carried the stigma of  beinbad. However, in recent years, with the addition of some brilliant writing talent and what seems to be higher budgets, the universal geek network has churned out some incredible television programs. (It’s original movies still continue to be awful) One of those gems, is “Defiance”.
Set on Earth in the distant future, the basic premise is we have been invaded by aliens. Because our atmosphere was set to human and not xenophile they had to terraform our planet to their needs. Well, you know humans, a riotous angry bunch we are. We took to fighting back against our alien overlords and eventually destroyed the machines that were changing our environment.
But we didn’t destroy them soon enough.
Now our world has been transformed into a strange new place full of the miracle of life at its finest. Aside from the fact that evolution probably wouldn’t transpire fast enough to give us some of the bizarre creatures we see in the show, it’s quite an expose into what happen when you attempt to alter the ecosystem of an area. In short, undesirable results.
The show however is quite desirable and will be returning soon to dazzle us with its biological wonders again. You can catch Nolan and his adopted alien daughter Irisa on SyFy, along with this next amazing program called “Continuum.”

4.  Continuum


“Continuum” is a show that isn’t afraid to push boundaries and sensitivities. The first season starts with a bang. That little orb she’s holding in the picture above?  It’s actually a time travel device, used by terrorists in 2077 to go back in time to 2012 and incite a war against the corporations. Blurring fringe science with cutting edge computer generated graphics (and a PHENOMENAL acting cast) turned out to be a brilliant combination for this SyFy original.
So I mentioned the science right? Keira, the main character who is actually a future cop so to speak, goes back in time with the terrorists to stop them. But she isn’t completely unarmed. She has her suit. With current developments in metamaterials and nano-fluids the cloaking abilities, ballistics protection, even the electrical shocks she can generate from it are possible.
In short this is a show to pick up the first couple seasons of and watch. If not for the science and the wonderful twisting and turning plot, how about the fact that Keira is absolutely gorgeous! ‘Nuff said.
You can catch “Continuum” on SyFy networks.

5.  Eureka

Even though “Eureka” is no longer on the air I felt it deserved a special spot on this list. It’s a story about the world’s smartest little town. See the Department of Defense likes its toys, but it also doesn’t like the world to know about its toys. The solution? Take the worlds geniuses and put them all in one place. The result? The town of Eureka, where the science is always cutting edge and the problems are always catastrophic.
Enter U.S. Marshall, Carter. While transporting a criminal that we come to find out is his teenage daughter he accidentally ends up in Eureka. After saving the town he becomes the new Sherriff. (Everyone loves a hero) From there the science takes over.
From creating wormholes in the middle of town to time traveling devices that take the residents back to Eastern Europe in the 40’s the laughs and the wonder were always delightful. The one really unique thing about Eureka? The science was real. The highly advanced technology they created from this science may not have been but the reality is some of the best inventions were created from the minds of Science Fiction writers ahead of their time.
Anyone who argues that has clearly never heard of Jules Verne.

6.  Mythbusters

While “Mythbusters” is technically not a Sci-Fi program it is hosted by two Hollywood special effects artists who have science fiction backgrounds. However it isn’t the premise of this show that land it here on this Top 7 list, it’s the science. Taking common misconceptions about the way the world works and breaking down our comfort in our intellect is what these guys specialize in.
Since 2003 Jaime and Adam and the rest of the team have tackled such questions like “Is it possible to actually hit the ground running?” or “Can any Sonic Boom really break glass?”. Busted or confirmed it’s always been exciting to watch the gang go to work, putting the scientific method through its paces while they design intricate experiments.
With their backgrounds and degrees in engineering and design it’s not surprising how intelligently these two devise their plans. “Mythbusters” has been on the air on “Discovery Channel” since 2003 and has enjoyed over 200 episodes.We have enjoyed 200 episodes with you too Kari Byron…I mean…Mythbusters team…

7.  Marvel: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

I’ll be honest. I didn’t put this on the list because of the science on the show. I put it on here because anyone who knows me knows that I’m a huge Joss Whedon fan. On top of that I’m a massive Marvel geek (yes I have many, many comics. Surprise, surprise, a nerd with a comic obsession…) so anything Marvel related is automatically on my radar.
At first I had my reservations about a show that wouldn’t be containing any superheroes in a universe that’s lifeblood is dependent on Gamma radiated monsters and WWII super soldiers. However, after watching what the first season has given us so far I’m convinced, this show isn’t just worth watch, it’s the window into the marvel universe between blockbuster films nerds everywhere have always craved.
With a stellar cast, excellent writing staff, and the brilliant minds of Joss Whedon and Stan Lee behind the wheel, “Marvel’s: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D” on “ABC” networks Tuesday nights at eight should have a good run. Which is incredible news for me, considering a hole has been left in my heart since the cancellation of “Firefly” (Yes…I lost a piece of myself that day…)

So there you have it. A full roster of sci-fi shows for you to catch up on! As always guys thanks for reading!

-       Ryan Sanders

This article is based solely on the opinions and beliefs of the author and in no way reflects those any of the aforementioned Corporations or their Affiliates. 

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